
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life Inside The Bounce House

:Being a parent has taught me MANY things:  babies can defy gravity by pooping up their backs, any drink that enters a carpeted area will be spilled within 13.2 seconds, children eat the most disgusting things, going to the bathroom is an invitation for everyone in the house to come hang out with you (pets included), etc. One of the most important lessons I have learned is to appreciate every moment because it goes by so quickly. And....I don't feel like I have done that very well lately. I have been so tied up with my "business" and the daily grind of taking Jack from school to therapy and from therapy to school and from school BACK to therapy,etc. that I have kind of forgotten to stop and have fun with him. I am pretty ashamed of that because I have an amazing kid. He is caring and he is funny and compassionate and brilliant beyond his little years and he deserves to be appreciated EVERY minute of every day. So from now on, I plan to parent from inside the bounce house.  Let me explain.

Life OUTSIDE the bounce house is easy. You can observe cute little moments while updating your Facebook status. You can take adorable little photos like a good mommy should. And you can enjoy watching your child one enjoy himself. Everything is neat and tidy and orderly and fine.

Life INSIDE the bounce house is chaotic and imperfect and occasionally painful and FUN! No more sitting on the sidelines and watching life passing me by for this mama...I am turning off the Facebook and the phone, keeping the camera for my own personal use from now on and concentrating on having fun with my baby. The pictures aren't perfect but the memories are.

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