
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Super Hero Jack

I haven't written a blog or taken photos in a while because I have been kind of "meh" about everything. I have been missing my friends and family back home a bit and haven't really connected with anyone here, so it has been kind of lonely. I absolutely love it here but I am kind of on my own unless Jackson is around. He is pretty much my only companion except the cats.
So, Jackson is into The Avengers BIG TIME! He is mostly into Thor and Loki though which is okay with me because Thor and Loki! Haha, just kidding. >.>
So, here he is with Mjolnir, Iron Man helmet and Captain America's shield:

I am going to try to take some Fall photos of him tomorrow, if he lets me.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Be Still, Brick.

I swear, kids play the weirdest games. I love to ask Jack what he played on the playground every single day because he always comes back with the most creative answers. His latest two are "Tickle Ghosts" and "Be Still, Brick". They are played exactly how you would imagine. Jack was excited that he got to be a brick, so that is cool. I guess.
Grandmama sent him a care package and included some nasty looking fake witches fingers. Apparently, they can be worn on little toes too...

Oh! Speaking of toes, I totally broke one of mine. Great, huh?! I was chasing Jack up the stairs and I tripped like a complete doofus and hurt the first joint of my fourth toe. It is slowly turning colors and swelling but I can still walk on my foot, so that is good. And before anyone wonders: Yes, those red spots are the faint scars of my Miss Junebug attack almost 2 years ago. She gave me something to always remember her by, lol.
Maybe I should just go ahead and chop this particular food off... It seems to be bad luck.